What is the size of the Stones Dungeon Tiles?

     Our Stones Dungeon Tiles are 2" x 2" wide and are 1/4" thick.

Are they compatable with other gaming tiles on the market?

     If they are 2" x 2" then yes. There may be some slight difference in height, so there would be just a "step up" or "step down" in some areas. Another idea is to use them in different sections such as one for rooms and others for hallways.

What paints can I use to paint them, is there any prep?

     Use only acrylic (water-based) paints. We recommend to wash them first with warm soapy water to remove any residue that may be present from the casting process. No primer is needed; however, if you wish to use primer simply brush on your desired acrylic primer color such a white and then paint. You will also find that thinning down acrylic paints with Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol) will create a stain that can be applied after you have painted your tiles your desired color, which can give you some great color variations.

If you have any questions you can check out the FAQ page
or contact us using either of the methods below.

  • info@stonesterrain.com